Important Considerations When Lifting With a Larger Body
I am an amateur super heavyweight strongwoman. I am fat. I am 5’8 and I weigh 320 pounds. Why did I tell you my weight? Because I exist. Because others aren’t comfortable sharing. Because what women do weigh is a mystery to a lot of people still. The fitness industry is a difficult place for fat folks. We deal with everything from outright shaming to constant microaggressions — large and small reminders that we live in a world that assumes we’re lazy, incompetent, and unhealthy before we speak. We’re supposed to try be smaller, at all costs. But we can be strong and powerful just as we are. Lifting logs, pulling trucks, and flipping tires — strongman is the first place I felt at home in my body. I stopped trying shrink or apologize for being too much. Lifting weights was the first step. It was my gateway to not just strongman, but running, hiking, kayaking, swimming, yoga, and even trying pole dancing. Competing was the reason I took a real, honest look at my eating — and created ...